Quanser Versuchsaufbauten
Für mehr Effizienz im Hörsaal: Bei uns erhalten Sie die steuer- und regeltechnischen Versuchsaufbauten von Quanser – perfekt zugeschnitten auf die ingenieurwissenschaftliche Ausbildung und Forschung.
Die Laborversuche von Quanser überzeugen durch ihre schnelle, einfache Inbetriebnahme. Aufbauen und loslegen – Sie sparen Zeit, Kraft und Nerven. Dank der offenen Architektur und Dokumentation ist eine schnelle Anpassung an individuelle Kursinhalte kein Problem.
Sämtliche Versuchsaufbauten lassen sich umstandslos mit den Peripheriegeräten verbinden. Auch die Steuerung wird Ihnen leicht von der Hand gehen: In Ihrer gewohnten Matlab/Simulink-Umgebung steuern und regeln Sie die Aufbauten ganz unkompliziert über Ihren PC. Ermöglicht wird dies durch die Quanser-eigene Echtzeiterweiterungssoftware QuaRC.
Die meisten Laborversuche sind modular konzipiert und können daher immer wieder erweitert werden. Umfangreiche Lehrmaterialien helfen Ihnen, die Versuche optimal in den Lehrplan einzubinden.
Für eine praxisnahe, zukunftsfähige Lehre.
2 DOF Ball Balancer
Vision-based experiment for teaching
The 2 DOF Ball Balancer consists of a plate on which a ball can be placed and is free to move. By mounting the plate on a two degree of freedom gimbal, the plate is allowed swivel about any direction. The overhead camera is used with a vision system to measure the position of the ball. The experiment is a vision-based control experiment designed to teach intermediate to advanced control concepts. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges encountered in vision-based motion platforms, such as pan-tilt cameras.
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2 DOF Inverted Pendulum/Gantry
Introduce advanced principles of robotics
The 2 DOF Inverted Pendulum/Gantry is ideal to introduce students to more advanced robotics concepts. Mounted on the 2 DOF Robot, the setup is reconfigurable for two experiments: the 2 DOF Inverted Pendulum and the 2 DOF Gantry. Students will learn concepts for aerospace engineering applications, such as rocket stabilization, while designing a controller that maintains the pendulum upright using the two servo motors. A few real-world applications of the gantry problem include, for example, a crane lifting and moving a heavy payload, or a pick-and-place gantry robot of an assembly line.
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2 DOF Robot
Introduce fundamental principles of robotics
The 2 DOF Robot is a 2-DOF “pantograph” type robot. The goal, typically, is to manipulate the X-Y position of a 4-bar linkage end effector. The system is planar and has 2 actuated and 3 unactuated revolute joints. Two servo motors mounted at a fixed distance control two arms coupled via two nonpowered two-link arms. Such a system is similar to the kinematic problems encountered in the control of larger 6-DOF robots including singularities. The experiment is ideal to introduce students to the fundamental and intermediate principles of robotics. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges, such as pick-and-place robots used in manufacturing lines.
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3 DOF Gyroscope
The 3 DOF Gyroscope consists of a disk/rotor mounted inside an inner blue gimbal which in turn is mounted inside an outer red gimbal. This entire structure is supported by a rectangular silver frame. All these frames are free to rotate about their rotation axes where slip rings are placed to provide infinite continuous motion in each direction. This setup results in three degrees of freedom for the rotor. Each frame can be actuated about its rotation axis through the mounted motors. The disk itself can also be actuated about its spin axis using a separate motor. Digital position measurement on each of these motors is
performed using high resolution optical encoders resulting in a total of 4 motors and 4 encoders for this system. The principles demonstrated by the 3 DOF Gyroscope are relevant in technologies used to control orientation in sea, air and space vehicles. Extensive applications of the 3 DOF Gyroscope include altitude control, momentum wheel control, navigation, satellite orientation and auto-pilot systems. Furthermore, gyroscopic sensors are now found in a wide range of technical devices such as smart phones, tablets, video game controllers, and so on. Your students can cultivate a deep understanding of control theories through real-life applications.
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3 DOF Helicopter
Advanced flight dynamics concepts by extending control to three axes (travel, yaw and pitch)
The 3 DOF Helicopter is composed of a model helicopter body, a metal base, and an aluminum frame. The helicopter has two propellers mounted in parallel to each and are actuated by DC motors – similarly to Tandem dual rotor helicopters. It can be used to understand and develop control laws for a vehicle that has dynamics representative of a dual rotor rigid body helicopter, or any device with similar dynamics.
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3 DOF Hover
Flight dynamics and control of vertical lift-off vehicles
The 3 DOF Hover experiment consists of a planar round frame with four propellers. The frame is mounted on a three degrees of freedom pivot joint that enables the body to rotate about the roll, pitch and yaw axes. The propellers are driven by four DC motors that are mounted at the vertices of the frame. The propellers generate a lift force that can be used to directly control the pitch and roll angles. The total torque generated by the propeller motors causes the body to move about the yaw axis. Two of the propellers are counter-rotating, so that the total torque in the system is balanced when the thrust of the four
propellers is approximately equal.
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Active Mass Damper
Control vibrations in tall structures
The Active Mass Damper is a bench-scale model to emulate a buildung controlled by an Active Mass Damper. The experiment consists of a single- or two-story building-like structure on top of which a linear cart is driven by a rack and pinion mechanism. The top floor is instrumented with an accelerometer to measure the acceleration of the “roof” relative to the ground. The experiment can be used in earthquake mitigation studies and to investigate Control-Structure Interaction. It is conceptually similar to active mass dampers used to surpress vibrations in tall structures (e.g. high-rise buildings) and to protect not only against earthquakes but also, for example, strong winds (e.g. hurricanes).
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Active Suspension
The Active suspension is a bench-scale model to emulate a quarter-car model controlled by an Actice Susoension mechanism. The experiment consists of three plates on top of each other. The top floor resembles the vehicle body and is suspended over the middle plate with two springs. A capstan drive high quality DC motor is also standing between the top and the middle plates to emulate an active suspension mechanism. The top floor is instrumented with an accelerometer to measure the acceleration of the vehicle body relative to the plant ground. The midlle plate is in contact with the bottom plate, i.e. road, through a spring and constitutes the tire in the quarter-car model.Active suspension technology is used in the automotive industry to continuously control the vertical movement of the vehicle wheel using an actively-controlled actuator placed on the suspension axis. Similar technologies have also been used in train bogies to improve the curving behavior of the train and the decreased acceleration perceived by the passenger.
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Analog Electronics Labs
Bring Excitement and Relevance to Analog Circuit Design
AELabs take students beyond the breadboard. It gives them hands-on experience with complex analog circuits which could not practically be built from scratch in a lab setting. More than that it puts control of those circuits in a graphical interface setting, allowing students to interact directly with the circuit schematics. Analog circuits, including semiconductors, amplifiers, and filters remain central to the operation of all electronic systems. Even in our current engineering climate of overwhelmingly digital solutions, analog circuits are still relevant. Quanser, together with Illuster Technologies have created a comprehensive lab that teaches the fundamentals and importance of analog electronics. With AELabs, students can configure, observe, and experiment with complex analog circuits such as MOSFET amplifiers.
AMPAQ-L2 Amplifier
Linear Current Amplifier
The AMPAQ-L2 is a high-bandwidth, linear current amplifier including two analog outputs. The amplifier is ideal for mechatronic systems requiring responsive current control, such as haptics or robotics platforms, or other complex controls configurations often used for teaching and research.
AMPAQ-L4 Amplifier
Linear Current Amplifier
The AMPAQ-L4 is a high-bandwidth, linear current amplifier including four analog outputs. The amplifier is ideal for mechatronic systems requiring responsive current control, such as haptics or robotics platforms, or other complex controls configurations often used for teaching and research.
AMPAQ-PWM Amplifier
The Quanser AMPAQ-PWM is a pulse width modulated (PWM) current amplifier designed to drive high-powered systems. It is a single channel amplifier, meaning it can power a single
Ball and Beam
Introduce unstable closed loop system control concepts
The Ball and Beam consists of a track on which the metal ball is free to roll. The track is fitted with a linear transducer to measure the position of the ball, i.e., it outputs a voltage signal proportional to the position of the ball. One side of the beam is attached to a lever arm that can be coupled to the load gear of the rotary servo base unit. By controlling the position of the servo, the beam angle can be adjusted to balance the ball to a desired position. The experiment effectively demonstrates a real-life application of PD control and how it relates to stabilizing a ball on a track. It’s useful in teaching basic control principles related to real-life challenges such as aircraft roll control.
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Coupled Tanks
Re-configurable process control experiment that enables students to perform a wide array of modeling and control-related laboratories
The Coupled Tanks plant is a “Two-Tank” module consisting of a pump with a water basin and two tanks. The two tanks are mounted on the front plate such that flow from the first (i.e. upper) tank can flow, through an outlet orifice located at the bottom of the tank, into the second (i.e. lower) tank. Flow from the second tank flows into the main water reservoir. The pump thrusts water vertically to two quick-connect orifices “Out1” and “Out2”. The two system variables are directly measured on the Coupled-Tank rig by pressure sensors and available for feedback. They are namely the water levels in tanks 1 and 2. The experiment is a re-configurable process control experiment that enables students to perform a wide array of modeling and control-related laboratories. Liquid level control is common in many industries, such as pulp and paper mills, petro-chemical plants, and water treatment facilities.
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Gyro/Stable Platform
Introduce rotational dynamics concepts
The Gyro/Stable Platform consists of a rotating disk mounted inside a frame. It is actuated about its center through a DC motor. An internal frame holds the rotating disk and is attached to an external frame through two shafts at both ends. A gear mechanism is connected between one of these end shafts and an encoder measures the angle of the blue frame as it rotates about the shafts. The experiment is ideal to introduce rotational dynamics principles. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges such as those encountered in control and guidance of sea vessels, aircraft and submarines or in satellite navigation.
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HD² High Definition Haptic Device
The HD2 enables researchers to interact with virtual or remote environments using programmable force feedback. Compared to other commercially available haptic devices, HD2 has a large workspace and very low intervening dynamics. This parallel mechanism is highly back-drivable with negligible friction. The heavyduty capstan drive and high performance motors within the device reduces the perceived inertia while maintaining rigidity of the device structure. Its applications potential spans from space and undersea expeditions to advanced teleoperation platforms where dexterity and precision is essential. Robotic-assisted surgery, virtual reality training simulators, human rehabilitation systems and gaming systems are some other modern applications of HD2 high-definition haptic device.
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Six degrees of freedom motion platform for advanced research
The Hexapod is parallel robotic device capable of moving heavy loads (up to 100 kg) at high accelerations, within a small workspace. The smart mechanical design, along with accurate and stiff machined components make this robot an excellent tool for cutting-edge research in areas including vibration isolation, structural dynamics immersive simulations and rehabilitation. Unlike most commercially available steward platforms, the Hexapod is driven by superior electrical motors which make this six DOF motion platform precise, responsive and low-maintenance. Using Quanser’s novel data acquisition technology users can interface to Hexapod through a USB connection, while maintaining a high real-time performance. Many features like the powerful DC motors with a built-in brake, a precise ball screw mechanism, high-resolution optical encoders and low-friction joints help researchers achieve accurate manipulations.
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Linear Double Inverted Pendulum
The Double Inverted Pendulum module consists of two aluminum, precision-machined blue rods; one is 7 inches long and the other is 12 inches long. The module easily attaches to the front pendulum shaft on the Linear Servo Base Unit cart and is free to rotate 360 degrees. The short link angle is sensed using the Linear Servo pendulum shaft encoder, while the medium length link is measured using the middle encoder mounted on the Linear Double Inverted Pendulum itself. Designing a controller that balances two links adds an extra challenge when compared to the single inverted pendulum system. Related applications of this experiment include stabilizing the takeoff of a multi-stage rocket and modeling the human posture system.
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Linear Flexible Inverted Pendulum
The Linear Flexible Inverted Pendulum module is composed of a rigid 24-inch aluminum blue rod and a flexible link with an end weight mounted at the end. The module easily attaches to the front pendulum shaft on the Linear Servo Base Unit cart and is free to rotate 360 degrees. The angles of the pendulums are sensed using the Linear Servo pendulum shaft encoder. The deflection angle of the flexible link is measured using an analog strain gage sensor. The robustness of the system can be tested when the strain gage measurement is not used. Large lightweight structures in space have flexibilities. As a result, they exhibit stabilization issues which relate to some of the dynamic modeling and control challenges of the Linear Inverted Flexible Pendulum experiment.
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Linear Flexible Joint
Teach the fundamentals of dynamics and control
The Linear Flexible Joint Cart consists of a system of two carts sliding on an track. The cart drives the system, and the second passive cart is coupled to the first one through a linear spring. The shafts of these elements are mounted to a rack and pinion mechanism in order to input the driving force to the system, and to measure the two cart positions. When the motor turns, the torque created at the output shaft is translated to a linear force which results in the cart’s motion. When the carts move, the encoder shafts turn and the resulting signals are calibrated to obtain the actuated and load carts’ positions. The experiment is useful in the study of vibration analysis and resonance. The system is similar in nature to the control problems encountered in elastic linkages and mechanical transmissions such as gearboxes.
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Linear Flexible Joint with Inverted Pendulum
A modular lab platform for teaching robotics, mechatronics, and controls
The Linear Flexible Joint with Inverted Pendulum consists of a Linear Flexible Joint module with a passive linear cart coupled to a Linear Servo Base Unit through a linear spring and a pendulum mounted on the output cart. The Linear Flexible Joint is made of solid aluminum and uses linear bearings to slide along the Linear Servo Base Unit ground stainless steel shaft. The cart position is measured using a rotary optical encoder whose shaft meshes with the track via a pinion. The passive cart is equipped with a rotary joint, the joint’s axis of rotation is perpendicular to the direction of the cart’s motion. A free-swinging rod can be attached to the joint, suspended in front of the cart. This rod can function as an inverted pendulum, as well as a regular pendulum. The angle of the rod is measured using a rotary optical encoder. The experiment is an ideal way to introduce intermediate control concepts related to vibration analysis and resonance, encountered, for example, in linkages and mechanical transmissions. The experiment challenges students to design a state-feedback control system that can balance an inverted pendulum mounted on the linear flexible joint cart, while minimizing the spring deflection.
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Linear Servo Base Unit with Inverted Pendulum
A modular lab platform for teaching robotics, mechatronics, and controls
The Linear Servo Base Unit is supplied with pendulums that can be used to perform a variety of experiments. Three experiments are supplied with the pendulum setup: Gantry Crane, Inverted Pendulum, and the Self-Erecting Inverted Pendulum.
The Gantry Crane emulates a crane on a movable platform that is typically used to transport items in a warehouse or shipping yard. In this case, the cart represents the gantry platform and the pendulum acts as the crane. Students can learn how to mitigate the motions of the downward pendulum while the cart travels to different positions.
With the Self-Erecting Inverted Pendulum experiment, students have the opportunity to design a controller that swings the pendulum up and maintains it in the upright position.
Students can use the Linear Inverted Pendulum experiment to learn practical problem-solving skills to solve mechanical and aerospace engineering challenges. One application of the Inverted Pendulum experiment is found in the two-wheeled Segway self-balancing vehicle.
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Magnetic Levitation
Classic electro-mechanical experiment for nonlinear dynamics and control challenges
The Magnetic Levitation is a single degree of freedom electromagnet-based system that allows users to levitate a ball vertically up and down. The overhead electromagnet generates an attractive force on the metal ball that initially sits on the post. The position of the ball is measured using a photo-sensitive sensor embedded inside the post. The system also includes a current sensor to measure the current inside the electromagnet’s coil. The challenging dynamics of the system make it perfect for teaching modeling, linearization, current control, position control, and using multiple loops (i.e. cascade control). Magnetic levitation technology is used in systems such as Magnetic Levitation trains and electromagnetic cranes. Research is also being done to use magnetic control technology for contactless, high-precision positioning of wafers in photolithography.
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Multi-DOF Torsion
Multi-dimensional system for torsional dynamics
The Torsion Module is a rotary torsional system that consists of an instrumented bearing block, which is mounted in a cubic aluminum frame. A shaft is free to spin inside the bearing block and its angle is measured using an encoder. The shaft can be fitted with either a torsional load or a flexible coupling. Adding one or more (up to seven) torsion modules in series allows you to expand the complexity of the experiments to study 2 DOF or Multi-DOF torsional dynamics. Applications that include high-gear ratio harmonic drives and lightweight transmission shafts may have joint flexibilities and torsional compliance, all of which can be emulated with this system. The experiment is ideal to teach principles of robotics and torsional dynamics. Students will learn about modeling a torsional system and how to control it by minimizing the amount of vibration.
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Omni Bundle
Cost-effective way to introduce robotics and haptics
The Omni Bundle is a robot with six revolute joints, three of which are actuated. The three non-actuated joints are the wrist joints. The three motors can actuate the end-effector – the tip of the stylus – to span the entire X, Y, Z region in its workspace. Position measurement along X, Y, and Z is done using digital encoders while measurement of rotations about these axes (roll, pitch and yaw) is done using potentiometers. The Phantom Blockset for QUARC real-time control software provides the interface to interact with the device. The courseware material provided with the package exposes students to fundamental robotics concepts, such as forward and inverse kinematic modeling, Jacobian, PID control and path planning. The courseware also covers more advanced haptics concepts, such as force calculation, collision detection and virtual objects dynamics. Using the haptic-based exercises provided in the courseware, students can quickly create basic virtual environments and use this as a basis for design of more complex multi-object environments, multi-contact haptic interaction, force feedback, teleoperation and cooperative haptics.
Q2-USB Data Acquisition Device
Portable and affordable option for real-time measurement and control
The Q2-USB data acquisition device delivers reliable real-time performance via a USB interface. Low I/O conversion times, easy connectivity, and 2 kHz max closed-loop control rate makes the Q2-USB an ideal DAQ for rapid prototyping and Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) development. With a wide range of inputs and outputs, you can easily connect and control a variety of devices instrumented with analog and digital sensors, including encoders – all with one board.
Q8-USB Data Acquisition Device
Portable and affordable option for real-time measurement and control
The Q8-USB data acquisition device delivers reliable real-time performance via a USB interface. Low I/O conversion times, easy connectivity, and 2 kHz max closed-loop control rate makes the Q8-USB an ideal DAQ for rapid prototyping and Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) development. With a wide range of inputs and outputs, you can easily connect and control a variety of devices instrumented with analog and digital sensors, including encoders – all with one board.
QPIDe Data Acquisition Device
Precise, reliable data acquisition for complex controls configurations
QPIDe is based on the PCI Express technology for data acquisition applications that require bandwidth to ensure data can be transferred to memory fast enough. With ultra-low I/O conversion times and simultaneous sampling of each I/O type, the QPIDe is suitable for complex controls configurations for research and teaching controls concepts. For example, in order to teach controls or conduct research in areas like Aerospace or Haptics.
Quanser AERO 2
Reconfigurable Dual-Rotor Aerospace Experiment for Controls Education and Research
The Aero 2 is a fully integrated aerospace lab experiment. It is designed for teaching controls and introducing aerospace concepts at an undergraduate level with applications for research at the post-graduate level.
Two rotors provide thrust and allow users to safely control the device’s dynamic response. Interchangeable propellers, user-adjustable thrust vectors, and the ability to lock axes individually mean the Aero 2 is capable of abstracting a variety of aerospace systems, such as half-quadrotor, 1-DOF VTOL, and 2-DOF helicopter.
The compact base includes a built-in amplifier with an integrated current sensor, a built-in data acquisition device, and an interchangeable QFLEX 2 interface panel offering connectivity options for a wide range of devices including PCs, embedded computers, and microcontrollers. Four high-resolution optical encoders, plus one Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), can be used to measure and control attitude in both pitch and yaw axes. Slip ring wiring allows for unlimited, continuous, 360° yaw rotation.
Quanser Rapid Control Prototyping Toolbox for LabVIEW
Faster control design and simpler connectivity for LabVIEW
The Quanser RCP add-on for the NI LabVIEW graphical development environment is a powerful control design tool that spans the spectrum of design, from simulation to control implementation. It significantly simplifies access to Quanser control experiments by taking care of all standard low level software and hardware configurations. The resulting VIs are clear and match standard system block diagrams, helping bridge the gap between theory and practical implementations.
QUARC® Real-Time Control Software
Accelerating control design
Quanser’s QUARC software adds powerful tools and capabilities to Simulink that make the development and deployment of sophisticated real-time mechatronics and control applications easier. QUARC generates real-time code directly from Simulink-designed controllers and runs it in real-time on the Windows target – all without digital signal processing or without writing a single line of code.
Rotary Double Inverted Pendulum
Take the cassic inverted pendulum challenge to the next level
The Rotary Double Inverted Pendulum is composed of a rotary arm that attaches to the Rotary Servo Base Unit, a short 7-inch bottom blue rod, an encoder hinge, and the top 12-inch blue rod. The balance control computes a voltage based on the angle measurements from the encoders. This control voltage signal is amplified and applied to the servomotor. The rotary arm moves accordingly to balance the two links and the process repeats itself. The experiment is ideal to introduce intermediate and advanced control concepts, taking the classic single inverted pendulum challenge to the next level of complexity. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges related, for example, to takeoff stabilization of a multi-stage rocket.
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Rotary Flexible Joint
Modeling flexible joints in a robotic arms
The Rotary Flexible Joint consists of a free arm attached to two identical springs. The springs are mounted to an aluminum chassis which is fastened to the Rotary Servo Base Unit load gear. The module attaches to a DC motor on the Servo Base Unit that rotates a beam mounted on a flexible joint. The experiment is ideal for modeling a flexible joint on a robot It is also useful in the study of vibration analysis and resonance. The Rotary Flexible Joint uses a sensor to measure joint deflection, to address the control problems encountered in large, geared robot joints where flexibility is exhibited in the gearbox. Students will learn how to model the system using state-space and design a feedback controller with pole-placement.
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Rotary Flexible Link
Control and vibration analysis of flexible links
The Rotary Flexible Link consists of a strain gage which is held at the clamped end of a thin stainless steel flexible link. The DC motor on the Rotary Servo Base Unit is used to rotate the flexible link from one end in the horizontal plane. The motor end of the link is instrumented with a strain gage that can detect the deflection of the tip. The strain gage outputs an analog signal proportional to the deflection of the link. In this experiment, students learn to find the stiffness experimentally, and use Lagrange to develop the system model. This is then used to develop a feedback control using a linear-quadratic regulator, where the tip of a beam tracks a desired command while minimizing link deflection. This experiment is ideal for study of vibration analysis and resonance and allows to mimic real-life control problems encountered in large, lightweight structures that exhibit flexibilities and require feedback control for improved performance. The experiment is also useful when modelling a flexible link on a robot or spacecraft.
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Rotary Inverted Pendulum
Introduce intermediate control concepts and theories relevant to the challenges engineers face in real life.
The Rotary Inverted Pendulum consists of a flat arm with a pivot at one end and a metal shaft on the other end. The pivot-end is mounted on top of the Rotary Servo Base Unit load gear shaft. The pendulum link is fastened onto the metal shaft and the shaft is instrumented with a high resolution encoder to measure its angle. The result is a horizontally rotating arm with a pendulum at the end. The experiment is ideal to learn practical problem-solving skills for mechanical and aerospace engineering while designing controllers that balance a vertical rod in the upright position by rotating or changing the angle at the base, and swing the pendulum up and maintain it in the upright position. A classic application is the two-wheeled Segway self-balancing electric vehicle.
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Rotary Servo Base Unit
Convenient turn-key modular rotary control lab
The rotary servo base consists of a DC motor that is encased in a solid aluminum frame and equipped with a planetary gearbox. The motor has its own internal gearbox that drives external gears. It is equipped with three sensors: potentiometer, encoder, and tachometer. The potentiometer and encoder sensors measure the angular position of the load gear and the tachometer can be used to measured its velocity. Real-world applications of the rotary servomotor include the autofocus feature in modern cameras, cruise control in automobiles, and speed control in CD players.
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The Seesaw module consists of two long arms hinged onto a support fulcrum. The system is composed of precisely machined polycarbonate with a durable matte finish. The Seesaw is free to rotate about the pivot in the center and the objective is to position the cart to balance the system. Two Seesaw modules can be coupled together using the supplied Seesaw with Pendulum attachment to implement the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output experiment. The experiment involves dynamic and control that are similar to the inverted pendulum experiment. One real-world application of this system is the roll control of an airplane.
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Shake Table I-40
Linear shaker
The Shake Table I-40 system is a single-axis seismic device that can be used to teach structural dynamics and control, earthquake engineering and other topics related to Civil Engineering. Shake Table I-40 is a portable yet powerful shake table which can be easily run through a Graphical User Interface environment. The provided software eliminates any need for hand coding while it enables you to monitor and analyze the response. This inexpensive platform facilitates an easy-connect setup for a quick and effortless interface with computer. This system can be used to simulate earthquakes and evaluate the performance of active mass dampers, e.g., using the Quanser One-Floor Active Mass Damper. As a typical application, the Shake Table I can excite the flexible modes of a tall structure in order to design, implement, and evaluate a control system to manipulate and dampen the structural vibrations. With pre-loaded acceleration profiles of real earthquakes, such as Northridge and El-Centro, students can study their effects on buildings, bridges and various materials.
Shake Table II
Heavy-load linear shaker
The Quanser Shake Table II is a mid-size open-architecture single-axis earthquake simulator ideal for teaching structural dynamics, vibration isolation, feedback control, and other control topics related to earthquake, aerospace and mechanical engineering. The shake table is rated to drive a 7.5 kg load at 2.5 g. The stage rides on two ground-hardened metal shafts using linear bearings which allows for smooth linear motions with low path deflection. Users can generate sinusoidal, chip as well as pre-loaded acceleration profiles of real earthquakes, such as Northridge, Kobe and El-Centro, to study their effects on buildings, bridges and various materials. Additionally, earthquake profiles can be downloaded from the PEER Ground Motion Database, scaled using the supplied software, and replayed on the Shake Table II.
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Shake Table II XY
Bench-scale single-axis motion simulator
Combining two single-axis Shake Table II units is a cost-effective method to build a dual-axis motion platform. With this Shake Table II XY configuration, you can explore more advanced dynamics analysis topics, and perform research relating to earthquake loss reduction.
The Shake Table II XY consists of two single-axis Shake Table II units mounted perpendicularly on top of each other. Each stage can travel ±7.6 cm. Driven by powerful motors, the Shake Table II XY can achieve an acceleration of 2.5 g when loaded with a 7.5 kg mass.
Furthermore, you can use the two Shake Table II from the XY configuration for other setups, i.e., serial and parallel, to support larger loads, or perform experiments with asynchronous excitation signals.
VoltPAQ-X1 Amplifier
VoltPAQ amplifiers deliver the reliable real-time performance necessary for modern Hardware-In-The-Loop
The VoltPAQ-X1 is a single channel, linear voltage-based power amplifier. The VoltPAQ line is designed to turbo-charge your experiments. Smaller, more lightweight and portable, the VoltPAQ is ideal for all complex controls configurations related to educational or research needs. These linear voltage-controlled power amplifiers are designed to achieve high performance with Hardware-In-The-Loop implementations.
VoltPAQ-X2 Amplifier
The VoltPAQ-X2 is a two-channel, linear voltage-based power amplifier. The VoltPAQ line is designed to turbo-charge your experiments. Smaller, more lightweight and portable, the VoltPAQ is ideal for all complex controls configurations related to educational or research needs. These linear voltage-controlled power amplifiers are designed to achieve high performance with Hardware-In-The-Loop implementations.
VoltPAQ-X4 Amplifier
The VoltPAQ-X4 is a four-channel, linear voltage-based power amplifier. The VoltPAQ line is designed to turbo-charge your experiments. Smaller, more lightweight and portable, the VoltPAQ is ideal for all complex controls configurations related to educational or research needs. These linear voltage-controlled power amplifiers are designed to achieve high performance with Hardware-In-The-Loop implementations.
QDrone 2
Elevating Research with Quanser's Cutting-Edge Innovation in Autonomous Vehicles
The QDrone 2 runs on an NVIDIA Xavier NX, containing a 6 core CPU as well as a GPU with over 350 CUDA cores and 48 Tensor cores. This powerful computer allows researchers to use TensorRT for machine learning applications that run directly on the drone using the dedicated CUDA cores.
It has multiple sensors to support a variety of different research applications. The inclusion of two IMUs support researching the stability of a system and extend to fault detection by having a secondary IMU for redundancy. For computer-based applications the QDrone 2 utilizes an Intel RealSense for RGB and depth images; as well, it has cameras on both sides and the back to allow for 360-degree vision of the environment. 360-degree vision along with a downward facing camera increases the quality of vision-based applications such as object recognition and mapping, to flying using markers or known features in the environment. A time-of-flight height sensor and an optical flow measurement allow you to control the QDrone 2’s height and estimate planar pose rates based on features on the ground.
The QDrone supports Matlab/Simulink, Python, ROS, and C++.
Sensor-rich autonomous vehicle
QCar, the feature vehicle of the Self-Driving Car Research Studio, is an open-architecture, scaled model vehicle designed for academic research. Working individually or in a fleet, QCar is the ideal vehicle for validating dataset generation, mapping, navigation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other advanced self-driving concepts.
The QCar is powered with NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 supercomputer and equipped with a wide range of sensors including LIDAR, 360-degree vision, depth sensor, IMU, encoders, as well as user-expandable IO. Use it to jump-start your research and scale your existing vehicle fleet, while leveraging multiple software environments including Simulink®, Python™, C/C++, TensorFlow and ROS.
QLabs Virtual Ball and Beam
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate control systems courses
QLabs Virtual Ball and Beam is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of the Quanser Ball and Beam system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. With QLabs Virtual Ball and Beam, you can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Ball and Beam is available as a 12-month, multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Ball and Beam curriculum, which covers various modelling and control topics.
QLabs Virtual QUBE-Servo 3
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate control systems courses
QLabs Virtual Qube-Servo 3 is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a classic QUBE-Servo 3 system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. QLabs Virtual Qube-Servo 3 can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Qube-Servo 3 is available as a 12-month, multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Qube-Servo 3 curriculum which covers over 30 concepts including modelling, parameter identification, position, and speed control, lead control, stability analysis, steady-state error, moment of inertia, pendulum modelling, crane control, and pendulum balance control.
QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate control systems courses
QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of the Quanser Rotary Flexible Link system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. With QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link, you can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Rotary Flexible Link curriculum, which covers various modelling and control topics.
QLabs Virtual Coupled Tanks
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate process control courses
QLabs Virtual Coupled Tanks is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of a Quanser Coupled Tanks system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. With QLabs Coupled Tanks, you can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online process control course.
QLabs Virtual Coupled Tanks is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Coupled Tanks curriculum, which covers various modelling and control topics.
QLabs Virtual Rotary Servo
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate control systems courses
QLabs Virtual Rotary Servo is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of a classic Rotary Servo Base Unit system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. With QLabs Virtual Rotary Servo, you can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Rotary Servo is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Rotary Servo Base Unit curriculum, which covers modelling, position, and speed control topics.
QLabs Virtual Quanser AERO
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate aerospace and controls courses
QLabs Virtual Quanser AERO is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a Quanser AERO system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. QLabs Virtual Quanser AERO can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and blended aerospace and control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Quanser AERO is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Quanser AERO curriculum which covers concepts including modelling, system identification, attitude and speed control, PID control, gain scheduling, state-feedback control, coupled dynamics, and Kalman filter.
QLabs Virtual QBot 2e
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate and advanced robotics courses
QLabs Virtual QBot 2e is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a classic Quanser QBot 2e system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. QLabs Virtual QBot 2e can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online robotics course.
QLabs Virtual QBot 2e is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical QBot 2e curriculum which covers concepts including differential drive, forward, and inverse kinematics, dead reckoning, odometric localization, path planning, obstacle avoidance, image acquisition, processing, and reasoning, localization and mapping, and vision-guided vehicle control.
QLabs Virtual QArm
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate robotics courses
QLabs Virtual QArm is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a Quanser QArm system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. QLabs Virtual QArm can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online robotics course.
QLabs Virtual QArm is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical QArm curriculum which covers concepts including joint control, kinematics, path planning, statics, and dynamics.
Modern Manipulator Arm for Robotics Courses and Research
Quanser’s QArm is a 4 DOF serial robotic manipulator with a tendon-based two-stage gripper and an RGBD camera, designed for modern engineering education and academic research applications. Leveraging the intuitive graphical interface of Simulink® or expandability of Python™ and ROS, students get a systematic understanding of the design of robotic systems and concepts, including joint control, kinematics, path planning, statics, and dynamics. QArm comes with comprehensive studio-type course resources to motivate students and provide the basis for interactive challenges. The QArm curriculum is mapped to popular robotics textbooks by Mark Spong and John Craig.
The open architecture design of QArm allows researchers to quickly develop and deploy their applications in machine learning, assistive robotics, collaborative robotics, and more, using both custom and internal control schemes.
QUBE - Servo 3
Low cost teaching platform for controls and mechatronics
The Quanser Qube-Servo 3 is a portable, fully integrated servomotor platform designed specifically for teaching control concepts at the undergraduate level. The system is equipped with a high-quality direct-drive brushed DC motor, two encoders, an internal data acquisition system, and an amplifier. Connect with USB to a Windows PC (macOs and Linux support coming soon).
QBot Platform
High-performance Autonomous Ground Robot for Indoor Labs
The Quanser QBot Platform is an innovative open-architecture autonomous ground robot, built on a differential mobile
platform. This solution is ideal for teaching undergraduate and graduate mobile robotics as it is accompanied by
comprehensive courseware and equipped with built-in sensors such as LiDAR, front-facing RealSense camera, downward-facing camera,
gyroscope, and accelerometer, all powered by an onboard NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano computer.
2 DOF Ball Balancer
Vision-based experiment for teaching
The 2 DOF Ball Balancer consists of a plate on which a ball can be placed and is free to move. By mounting the plate on a two degree of freedom gimbal, the plate is allowed swivel about any direction. The overhead camera is used with a vision system to measure the position of the ball. The experiment is a vision-based control experiment designed to teach intermediate to advanced control concepts. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges encountered in vision-based motion platforms, such as pan-tilt cameras.
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2 DOF Inverted Pendulum/Gantry
Introduce advanced principles of robotics
The 2 DOF Inverted Pendulum/Gantry is ideal to introduce students to more advanced robotics concepts. Mounted on the 2 DOF Robot, the setup is reconfigurable for two experiments: the 2 DOF Inverted Pendulum and the 2 DOF Gantry. Students will learn concepts for aerospace engineering applications, such as rocket stabilization, while designing a controller that maintains the pendulum upright using the two servo motors. A few real-world applications of the gantry problem include, for example, a crane lifting and moving a heavy payload, or a pick-and-place gantry robot of an assembly line.
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2 DOF Robot
Introduce fundamental principles of robotics
The 2 DOF Robot is a 2-DOF “pantograph” type robot. The goal, typically, is to manipulate the X-Y position of a 4-bar linkage end effector. The system is planar and has 2 actuated and 3 unactuated revolute joints. Two servo motors mounted at a fixed distance control two arms coupled via two nonpowered two-link arms. Such a system is similar to the kinematic problems encountered in the control of larger 6-DOF robots including singularities. The experiment is ideal to introduce students to the fundamental and intermediate principles of robotics. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges, such as pick-and-place robots used in manufacturing lines.
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3 DOF Gyroscope
The 3 DOF Gyroscope consists of a disk/rotor mounted inside an inner blue gimbal which in turn is mounted inside an outer red gimbal. This entire structure is supported by a rectangular silver frame. All these frames are free to rotate about their rotation axes where slip rings are placed to provide infinite continuous motion in each direction. This setup results in three degrees of freedom for the rotor. Each frame can be actuated about its rotation axis through the mounted motors. The disk itself can also be actuated about its spin axis using a separate motor. Digital position measurement on each of these motors is
performed using high resolution optical encoders resulting in a total of 4 motors and 4 encoders for this system. The principles demonstrated by the 3 DOF Gyroscope are relevant in technologies used to control orientation in sea, air and space vehicles. Extensive applications of the 3 DOF Gyroscope include altitude control, momentum wheel control, navigation, satellite orientation and auto-pilot systems. Furthermore, gyroscopic sensors are now found in a wide range of technical devices such as smart phones, tablets, video game controllers, and so on. Your students can cultivate a deep understanding of control theories through real-life applications.
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3 DOF Helicopter
Advanced flight dynamics concepts by extending control to three axes (travel, yaw and pitch)
The 3 DOF Helicopter is composed of a model helicopter body, a metal base, and an aluminum frame. The helicopter has two propellers mounted in parallel to each and are actuated by DC motors – similarly to Tandem dual rotor helicopters. It can be used to understand and develop control laws for a vehicle that has dynamics representative of a dual rotor rigid body helicopter, or any device with similar dynamics.
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3 DOF Hover
Flight dynamics and control of vertical lift-off vehicles
The 3 DOF Hover experiment consists of a planar round frame with four propellers. The frame is mounted on a three degrees of freedom pivot joint that enables the body to rotate about the roll, pitch and yaw axes. The propellers are driven by four DC motors that are mounted at the vertices of the frame. The propellers generate a lift force that can be used to directly control the pitch and roll angles. The total torque generated by the propeller motors causes the body to move about the yaw axis. Two of the propellers are counter-rotating, so that the total torque in the system is balanced when the thrust of the four
propellers is approximately equal.
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Active Mass Damper
Control vibrations in tall structures
The Active Mass Damper is a bench-scale model to emulate a buildung controlled by an Active Mass Damper. The experiment consists of a single- or two-story building-like structure on top of which a linear cart is driven by a rack and pinion mechanism. The top floor is instrumented with an accelerometer to measure the acceleration of the “roof” relative to the ground. The experiment can be used in earthquake mitigation studies and to investigate Control-Structure Interaction. It is conceptually similar to active mass dampers used to surpress vibrations in tall structures (e.g. high-rise buildings) and to protect not only against earthquakes but also, for example, strong winds (e.g. hurricanes).
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Active Suspension
The Active suspension is a bench-scale model to emulate a quarter-car model controlled by an Actice Susoension mechanism. The experiment consists of three plates on top of each other. The top floor resembles the vehicle body and is suspended over the middle plate with two springs. A capstan drive high quality DC motor is also standing between the top and the middle plates to emulate an active suspension mechanism. The top floor is instrumented with an accelerometer to measure the acceleration of the vehicle body relative to the plant ground. The midlle plate is in contact with the bottom plate, i.e. road, through a spring and constitutes the tire in the quarter-car model.Active suspension technology is used in the automotive industry to continuously control the vertical movement of the vehicle wheel using an actively-controlled actuator placed on the suspension axis. Similar technologies have also been used in train bogies to improve the curving behavior of the train and the decreased acceleration perceived by the passenger.
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Analog Electronics Labs
Bring Excitement and Relevance to Analog Circuit Design
AELabs take students beyond the breadboard. It gives them hands-on experience with complex analog circuits which could not practically be built from scratch in a lab setting. More than that it puts control of those circuits in a graphical interface setting, allowing students to interact directly with the circuit schematics. Analog circuits, including semiconductors, amplifiers, and filters remain central to the operation of all electronic systems. Even in our current engineering climate of overwhelmingly digital solutions, analog circuits are still relevant. Quanser, together with Illuster Technologies have created a comprehensive lab that teaches the fundamentals and importance of analog electronics. With AELabs, students can configure, observe, and experiment with complex analog circuits such as MOSFET amplifiers.
AMPAQ-L2 Amplifier
Linear Current Amplifier
The AMPAQ-L2 is a high-bandwidth, linear current amplifier including two analog outputs. The amplifier is ideal for mechatronic systems requiring responsive current control, such as haptics or robotics platforms, or other complex controls configurations often used for teaching and research.
AMPAQ-L4 Amplifier
Linear Current Amplifier
The AMPAQ-L4 is a high-bandwidth, linear current amplifier including four analog outputs. The amplifier is ideal for mechatronic systems requiring responsive current control, such as haptics or robotics platforms, or other complex controls configurations often used for teaching and research.
AMPAQ-PWM Amplifier
The Quanser AMPAQ-PWM is a pulse width modulated (PWM) current amplifier designed to drive high-powered systems. It is a single channel amplifier, meaning it can power a single
Ball and Beam
Introduce unstable closed loop system control concepts
The Ball and Beam consists of a track on which the metal ball is free to roll. The track is fitted with a linear transducer to measure the position of the ball, i.e., it outputs a voltage signal proportional to the position of the ball. One side of the beam is attached to a lever arm that can be coupled to the load gear of the rotary servo base unit. By controlling the position of the servo, the beam angle can be adjusted to balance the ball to a desired position. The experiment effectively demonstrates a real-life application of PD control and how it relates to stabilizing a ball on a track. It’s useful in teaching basic control principles related to real-life challenges such as aircraft roll control.
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Coupled Tanks
Re-configurable process control experiment that enables students to perform a wide array of modeling and control-related laboratories
The Coupled Tanks plant is a “Two-Tank” module consisting of a pump with a water basin and two tanks. The two tanks are mounted on the front plate such that flow from the first (i.e. upper) tank can flow, through an outlet orifice located at the bottom of the tank, into the second (i.e. lower) tank. Flow from the second tank flows into the main water reservoir. The pump thrusts water vertically to two quick-connect orifices “Out1” and “Out2”. The two system variables are directly measured on the Coupled-Tank rig by pressure sensors and available for feedback. They are namely the water levels in tanks 1 and 2. The experiment is a re-configurable process control experiment that enables students to perform a wide array of modeling and control-related laboratories. Liquid level control is common in many industries, such as pulp and paper mills, petro-chemical plants, and water treatment facilities.
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Gyro/Stable Platform
Introduce rotational dynamics concepts
The Gyro/Stable Platform consists of a rotating disk mounted inside a frame. It is actuated about its center through a DC motor. An internal frame holds the rotating disk and is attached to an external frame through two shafts at both ends. A gear mechanism is connected between one of these end shafts and an encoder measures the angle of the blue frame as it rotates about the shafts. The experiment is ideal to introduce rotational dynamics principles. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges such as those encountered in control and guidance of sea vessels, aircraft and submarines or in satellite navigation.
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HD² High Definition Haptic Device
The HD2 enables researchers to interact with virtual or remote environments using programmable force feedback. Compared to other commercially available haptic devices, HD2 has a large workspace and very low intervening dynamics. This parallel mechanism is highly back-drivable with negligible friction. The heavyduty capstan drive and high performance motors within the device reduces the perceived inertia while maintaining rigidity of the device structure. Its applications potential spans from space and undersea expeditions to advanced teleoperation platforms where dexterity and precision is essential. Robotic-assisted surgery, virtual reality training simulators, human rehabilitation systems and gaming systems are some other modern applications of HD2 high-definition haptic device.
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Six degrees of freedom motion platform for advanced research
The Hexapod is parallel robotic device capable of moving heavy loads (up to 100 kg) at high accelerations, within a small workspace. The smart mechanical design, along with accurate and stiff machined components make this robot an excellent tool for cutting-edge research in areas including vibration isolation, structural dynamics immersive simulations and rehabilitation. Unlike most commercially available steward platforms, the Hexapod is driven by superior electrical motors which make this six DOF motion platform precise, responsive and low-maintenance. Using Quanser’s novel data acquisition technology users can interface to Hexapod through a USB connection, while maintaining a high real-time performance. Many features like the powerful DC motors with a built-in brake, a precise ball screw mechanism, high-resolution optical encoders and low-friction joints help researchers achieve accurate manipulations.
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Linear Double Inverted Pendulum
The Double Inverted Pendulum module consists of two aluminum, precision-machined blue rods; one is 7 inches long and the other is 12 inches long. The module easily attaches to the front pendulum shaft on the Linear Servo Base Unit cart and is free to rotate 360 degrees. The short link angle is sensed using the Linear Servo pendulum shaft encoder, while the medium length link is measured using the middle encoder mounted on the Linear Double Inverted Pendulum itself. Designing a controller that balances two links adds an extra challenge when compared to the single inverted pendulum system. Related applications of this experiment include stabilizing the takeoff of a multi-stage rocket and modeling the human posture system.
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Linear Flexible Inverted Pendulum
The Linear Flexible Inverted Pendulum module is composed of a rigid 24-inch aluminum blue rod and a flexible link with an end weight mounted at the end. The module easily attaches to the front pendulum shaft on the Linear Servo Base Unit cart and is free to rotate 360 degrees. The angles of the pendulums are sensed using the Linear Servo pendulum shaft encoder. The deflection angle of the flexible link is measured using an analog strain gage sensor. The robustness of the system can be tested when the strain gage measurement is not used. Large lightweight structures in space have flexibilities. As a result, they exhibit stabilization issues which relate to some of the dynamic modeling and control challenges of the Linear Inverted Flexible Pendulum experiment.
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Linear Flexible Joint
Teach the fundamentals of dynamics and control
The Linear Flexible Joint Cart consists of a system of two carts sliding on an track. The cart drives the system, and the second passive cart is coupled to the first one through a linear spring. The shafts of these elements are mounted to a rack and pinion mechanism in order to input the driving force to the system, and to measure the two cart positions. When the motor turns, the torque created at the output shaft is translated to a linear force which results in the cart’s motion. When the carts move, the encoder shafts turn and the resulting signals are calibrated to obtain the actuated and load carts’ positions. The experiment is useful in the study of vibration analysis and resonance. The system is similar in nature to the control problems encountered in elastic linkages and mechanical transmissions such as gearboxes.
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Linear Flexible Joint with Inverted Pendulum
A modular lab platform for teaching robotics, mechatronics, and controls
The Linear Flexible Joint with Inverted Pendulum consists of a Linear Flexible Joint module with a passive linear cart coupled to a Linear Servo Base Unit through a linear spring and a pendulum mounted on the output cart. The Linear Flexible Joint is made of solid aluminum and uses linear bearings to slide along the Linear Servo Base Unit ground stainless steel shaft. The cart position is measured using a rotary optical encoder whose shaft meshes with the track via a pinion. The passive cart is equipped with a rotary joint, the joint’s axis of rotation is perpendicular to the direction of the cart’s motion. A free-swinging rod can be attached to the joint, suspended in front of the cart. This rod can function as an inverted pendulum, as well as a regular pendulum. The angle of the rod is measured using a rotary optical encoder. The experiment is an ideal way to introduce intermediate control concepts related to vibration analysis and resonance, encountered, for example, in linkages and mechanical transmissions. The experiment challenges students to design a state-feedback control system that can balance an inverted pendulum mounted on the linear flexible joint cart, while minimizing the spring deflection.
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Linear Servo Base Unit with Inverted Pendulum
A modular lab platform for teaching robotics, mechatronics, and controls
The Linear Servo Base Unit is supplied with pendulums that can be used to perform a variety of experiments. Three experiments are supplied with the pendulum setup: Gantry Crane, Inverted Pendulum, and the Self-Erecting Inverted Pendulum.
The Gantry Crane emulates a crane on a movable platform that is typically used to transport items in a warehouse or shipping yard. In this case, the cart represents the gantry platform and the pendulum acts as the crane. Students can learn how to mitigate the motions of the downward pendulum while the cart travels to different positions.
With the Self-Erecting Inverted Pendulum experiment, students have the opportunity to design a controller that swings the pendulum up and maintains it in the upright position.
Students can use the Linear Inverted Pendulum experiment to learn practical problem-solving skills to solve mechanical and aerospace engineering challenges. One application of the Inverted Pendulum experiment is found in the two-wheeled Segway self-balancing vehicle.
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Magnetic Levitation
Classic electro-mechanical experiment for nonlinear dynamics and control challenges
The Magnetic Levitation is a single degree of freedom electromagnet-based system that allows users to levitate a ball vertically up and down. The overhead electromagnet generates an attractive force on the metal ball that initially sits on the post. The position of the ball is measured using a photo-sensitive sensor embedded inside the post. The system also includes a current sensor to measure the current inside the electromagnet’s coil. The challenging dynamics of the system make it perfect for teaching modeling, linearization, current control, position control, and using multiple loops (i.e. cascade control). Magnetic levitation technology is used in systems such as Magnetic Levitation trains and electromagnetic cranes. Research is also being done to use magnetic control technology for contactless, high-precision positioning of wafers in photolithography.
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Multi-DOF Torsion
Multi-dimensional system for torsional dynamics
The Torsion Module is a rotary torsional system that consists of an instrumented bearing block, which is mounted in a cubic aluminum frame. A shaft is free to spin inside the bearing block and its angle is measured using an encoder. The shaft can be fitted with either a torsional load or a flexible coupling. Adding one or more (up to seven) torsion modules in series allows you to expand the complexity of the experiments to study 2 DOF or Multi-DOF torsional dynamics. Applications that include high-gear ratio harmonic drives and lightweight transmission shafts may have joint flexibilities and torsional compliance, all of which can be emulated with this system. The experiment is ideal to teach principles of robotics and torsional dynamics. Students will learn about modeling a torsional system and how to control it by minimizing the amount of vibration.
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Omni Bundle
Cost-effective way to introduce robotics and haptics
The Omni Bundle is a robot with six revolute joints, three of which are actuated. The three non-actuated joints are the wrist joints. The three motors can actuate the end-effector – the tip of the stylus – to span the entire X, Y, Z region in its workspace. Position measurement along X, Y, and Z is done using digital encoders while measurement of rotations about these axes (roll, pitch and yaw) is done using potentiometers. The Phantom Blockset for QUARC real-time control software provides the interface to interact with the device. The courseware material provided with the package exposes students to fundamental robotics concepts, such as forward and inverse kinematic modeling, Jacobian, PID control and path planning. The courseware also covers more advanced haptics concepts, such as force calculation, collision detection and virtual objects dynamics. Using the haptic-based exercises provided in the courseware, students can quickly create basic virtual environments and use this as a basis for design of more complex multi-object environments, multi-contact haptic interaction, force feedback, teleoperation and cooperative haptics.
Q2-USB Data Acquisition Device
Portable and affordable option for real-time measurement and control
The Q2-USB data acquisition device delivers reliable real-time performance via a USB interface. Low I/O conversion times, easy connectivity, and 2 kHz max closed-loop control rate makes the Q2-USB an ideal DAQ for rapid prototyping and Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) development. With a wide range of inputs and outputs, you can easily connect and control a variety of devices instrumented with analog and digital sensors, including encoders – all with one board.
Q8-USB Data Acquisition Device
Portable and affordable option for real-time measurement and control
The Q8-USB data acquisition device delivers reliable real-time performance via a USB interface. Low I/O conversion times, easy connectivity, and 2 kHz max closed-loop control rate makes the Q8-USB an ideal DAQ for rapid prototyping and Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) development. With a wide range of inputs and outputs, you can easily connect and control a variety of devices instrumented with analog and digital sensors, including encoders – all with one board.
QPIDe Data Acquisition Device
Precise, reliable data acquisition for complex controls configurations
QPIDe is based on the PCI Express technology for data acquisition applications that require bandwidth to ensure data can be transferred to memory fast enough. With ultra-low I/O conversion times and simultaneous sampling of each I/O type, the QPIDe is suitable for complex controls configurations for research and teaching controls concepts. For example, in order to teach controls or conduct research in areas like Aerospace or Haptics.
Quanser AERO 2
Reconfigurable Dual-Rotor Aerospace Experiment for Controls Education and Research
The Aero 2 is a fully integrated aerospace lab experiment. It is designed for teaching controls and introducing aerospace concepts at an undergraduate level with applications for research at the post-graduate level.
Two rotors provide thrust and allow users to safely control the device’s dynamic response. Interchangeable propellers, user-adjustable thrust vectors, and the ability to lock axes individually mean the Aero 2 is capable of abstracting a variety of aerospace systems, such as half-quadrotor, 1-DOF VTOL, and 2-DOF helicopter.
The compact base includes a built-in amplifier with an integrated current sensor, a built-in data acquisition device, and an interchangeable QFLEX 2 interface panel offering connectivity options for a wide range of devices including PCs, embedded computers, and microcontrollers. Four high-resolution optical encoders, plus one Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), can be used to measure and control attitude in both pitch and yaw axes. Slip ring wiring allows for unlimited, continuous, 360° yaw rotation.
Quanser Rapid Control Prototyping Toolbox for LabVIEW
Faster control design and simpler connectivity for LabVIEW
The Quanser RCP add-on for the NI LabVIEW graphical development environment is a powerful control design tool that spans the spectrum of design, from simulation to control implementation. It significantly simplifies access to Quanser control experiments by taking care of all standard low level software and hardware configurations. The resulting VIs are clear and match standard system block diagrams, helping bridge the gap between theory and practical implementations.
QUARC® Real-Time Control Software
Accelerating control design
Quanser’s QUARC software adds powerful tools and capabilities to Simulink that make the development and deployment of sophisticated real-time mechatronics and control applications easier. QUARC generates real-time code directly from Simulink-designed controllers and runs it in real-time on the Windows target – all without digital signal processing or without writing a single line of code.
Rotary Double Inverted Pendulum
Take the cassic inverted pendulum challenge to the next level
The Rotary Double Inverted Pendulum is composed of a rotary arm that attaches to the Rotary Servo Base Unit, a short 7-inch bottom blue rod, an encoder hinge, and the top 12-inch blue rod. The balance control computes a voltage based on the angle measurements from the encoders. This control voltage signal is amplified and applied to the servomotor. The rotary arm moves accordingly to balance the two links and the process repeats itself. The experiment is ideal to introduce intermediate and advanced control concepts, taking the classic single inverted pendulum challenge to the next level of complexity. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges related, for example, to takeoff stabilization of a multi-stage rocket.
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Rotary Flexible Joint
Modeling flexible joints in a robotic arms
The Rotary Flexible Joint consists of a free arm attached to two identical springs. The springs are mounted to an aluminum chassis which is fastened to the Rotary Servo Base Unit load gear. The module attaches to a DC motor on the Servo Base Unit that rotates a beam mounted on a flexible joint. The experiment is ideal for modeling a flexible joint on a robot It is also useful in the study of vibration analysis and resonance. The Rotary Flexible Joint uses a sensor to measure joint deflection, to address the control problems encountered in large, geared robot joints where flexibility is exhibited in the gearbox. Students will learn how to model the system using state-space and design a feedback controller with pole-placement.
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Rotary Flexible Link
Control and vibration analysis of flexible links
The Rotary Flexible Link consists of a strain gage which is held at the clamped end of a thin stainless steel flexible link. The DC motor on the Rotary Servo Base Unit is used to rotate the flexible link from one end in the horizontal plane. The motor end of the link is instrumented with a strain gage that can detect the deflection of the tip. The strain gage outputs an analog signal proportional to the deflection of the link. In this experiment, students learn to find the stiffness experimentally, and use Lagrange to develop the system model. This is then used to develop a feedback control using a linear-quadratic regulator, where the tip of a beam tracks a desired command while minimizing link deflection. This experiment is ideal for study of vibration analysis and resonance and allows to mimic real-life control problems encountered in large, lightweight structures that exhibit flexibilities and require feedback control for improved performance. The experiment is also useful when modelling a flexible link on a robot or spacecraft.
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Rotary Inverted Pendulum
Introduce intermediate control concepts and theories relevant to the challenges engineers face in real life.
The Rotary Inverted Pendulum consists of a flat arm with a pivot at one end and a metal shaft on the other end. The pivot-end is mounted on top of the Rotary Servo Base Unit load gear shaft. The pendulum link is fastened onto the metal shaft and the shaft is instrumented with a high resolution encoder to measure its angle. The result is a horizontally rotating arm with a pendulum at the end. The experiment is ideal to learn practical problem-solving skills for mechanical and aerospace engineering while designing controllers that balance a vertical rod in the upright position by rotating or changing the angle at the base, and swing the pendulum up and maintain it in the upright position. A classic application is the two-wheeled Segway self-balancing electric vehicle.
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Rotary Servo Base Unit
Convenient turn-key modular rotary control lab
The rotary servo base consists of a DC motor that is encased in a solid aluminum frame and equipped with a planetary gearbox. The motor has its own internal gearbox that drives external gears. It is equipped with three sensors: potentiometer, encoder, and tachometer. The potentiometer and encoder sensors measure the angular position of the load gear and the tachometer can be used to measured its velocity. Real-world applications of the rotary servomotor include the autofocus feature in modern cameras, cruise control in automobiles, and speed control in CD players.
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The Seesaw module consists of two long arms hinged onto a support fulcrum. The system is composed of precisely machined polycarbonate with a durable matte finish. The Seesaw is free to rotate about the pivot in the center and the objective is to position the cart to balance the system. Two Seesaw modules can be coupled together using the supplied Seesaw with Pendulum attachment to implement the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output experiment. The experiment involves dynamic and control that are similar to the inverted pendulum experiment. One real-world application of this system is the roll control of an airplane.
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Shake Table I-40
Linear shaker
The Shake Table I-40 system is a single-axis seismic device that can be used to teach structural dynamics and control, earthquake engineering and other topics related to Civil Engineering. Shake Table I-40 is a portable yet powerful shake table which can be easily run through a Graphical User Interface environment. The provided software eliminates any need for hand coding while it enables you to monitor and analyze the response. This inexpensive platform facilitates an easy-connect setup for a quick and effortless interface with computer. This system can be used to simulate earthquakes and evaluate the performance of active mass dampers, e.g., using the Quanser One-Floor Active Mass Damper. As a typical application, the Shake Table I can excite the flexible modes of a tall structure in order to design, implement, and evaluate a control system to manipulate and dampen the structural vibrations. With pre-loaded acceleration profiles of real earthquakes, such as Northridge and El-Centro, students can study their effects on buildings, bridges and various materials.
Shake Table II
Heavy-load linear shaker
The Quanser Shake Table II is a mid-size open-architecture single-axis earthquake simulator ideal for teaching structural dynamics, vibration isolation, feedback control, and other control topics related to earthquake, aerospace and mechanical engineering. The shake table is rated to drive a 7.5 kg load at 2.5 g. The stage rides on two ground-hardened metal shafts using linear bearings which allows for smooth linear motions with low path deflection. Users can generate sinusoidal, chip as well as pre-loaded acceleration profiles of real earthquakes, such as Northridge, Kobe and El-Centro, to study their effects on buildings, bridges and various materials. Additionally, earthquake profiles can be downloaded from the PEER Ground Motion Database, scaled using the supplied software, and replayed on the Shake Table II.
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Shake Table II XY
Bench-scale single-axis motion simulator
Combining two single-axis Shake Table II units is a cost-effective method to build a dual-axis motion platform. With this Shake Table II XY configuration, you can explore more advanced dynamics analysis topics, and perform research relating to earthquake loss reduction.
The Shake Table II XY consists of two single-axis Shake Table II units mounted perpendicularly on top of each other. Each stage can travel ±7.6 cm. Driven by powerful motors, the Shake Table II XY can achieve an acceleration of 2.5 g when loaded with a 7.5 kg mass.
Furthermore, you can use the two Shake Table II from the XY configuration for other setups, i.e., serial and parallel, to support larger loads, or perform experiments with asynchronous excitation signals.
VoltPAQ-X1 Amplifier
VoltPAQ amplifiers deliver the reliable real-time performance necessary for modern Hardware-In-The-Loop
The VoltPAQ-X1 is a single channel, linear voltage-based power amplifier. The VoltPAQ line is designed to turbo-charge your experiments. Smaller, more lightweight and portable, the VoltPAQ is ideal for all complex controls configurations related to educational or research needs. These linear voltage-controlled power amplifiers are designed to achieve high performance with Hardware-In-The-Loop implementations.
VoltPAQ-X2 Amplifier
The VoltPAQ-X2 is a two-channel, linear voltage-based power amplifier. The VoltPAQ line is designed to turbo-charge your experiments. Smaller, more lightweight and portable, the VoltPAQ is ideal for all complex controls configurations related to educational or research needs. These linear voltage-controlled power amplifiers are designed to achieve high performance with Hardware-In-The-Loop implementations.
VoltPAQ-X4 Amplifier
The VoltPAQ-X4 is a four-channel, linear voltage-based power amplifier. The VoltPAQ line is designed to turbo-charge your experiments. Smaller, more lightweight and portable, the VoltPAQ is ideal for all complex controls configurations related to educational or research needs. These linear voltage-controlled power amplifiers are designed to achieve high performance with Hardware-In-The-Loop implementations.
QDrone 2
Elevating Research with Quanser's Cutting-Edge Innovation in Autonomous Vehicles
The QDrone 2 runs on an NVIDIA Xavier NX, containing a 6 core CPU as well as a GPU with over 350 CUDA cores and 48 Tensor cores. This powerful computer allows researchers to use TensorRT for machine learning applications that run directly on the drone using the dedicated CUDA cores.
It has multiple sensors to support a variety of different research applications. The inclusion of two IMUs support researching the stability of a system and extend to fault detection by having a secondary IMU for redundancy. For computer-based applications the QDrone 2 utilizes an Intel RealSense for RGB and depth images; as well, it has cameras on both sides and the back to allow for 360-degree vision of the environment. 360-degree vision along with a downward facing camera increases the quality of vision-based applications such as object recognition and mapping, to flying using markers or known features in the environment. A time-of-flight height sensor and an optical flow measurement allow you to control the QDrone 2’s height and estimate planar pose rates based on features on the ground.
The QDrone supports Matlab/Simulink, Python, ROS, and C++.
Sensor-rich autonomous vehicle
QCar, the feature vehicle of the Self-Driving Car Research Studio, is an open-architecture, scaled model vehicle designed for academic research. Working individually or in a fleet, QCar is the ideal vehicle for validating dataset generation, mapping, navigation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other advanced self-driving concepts.
The QCar is powered with NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 supercomputer and equipped with a wide range of sensors including LIDAR, 360-degree vision, depth sensor, IMU, encoders, as well as user-expandable IO. Use it to jump-start your research and scale your existing vehicle fleet, while leveraging multiple software environments including Simulink®, Python™, C/C++, TensorFlow and ROS.
QLabs Virtual Ball and Beam
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate control systems courses
QLabs Virtual Ball and Beam is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of the Quanser Ball and Beam system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. With QLabs Virtual Ball and Beam, you can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Ball and Beam is available as a 12-month, multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Ball and Beam curriculum, which covers various modelling and control topics.
QLabs Virtual QUBE-Servo 3
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate control systems courses
QLabs Virtual Qube-Servo 3 is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a classic QUBE-Servo 3 system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. QLabs Virtual Qube-Servo 3 can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Qube-Servo 3 is available as a 12-month, multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Qube-Servo 3 curriculum which covers over 30 concepts including modelling, parameter identification, position, and speed control, lead control, stability analysis, steady-state error, moment of inertia, pendulum modelling, crane control, and pendulum balance control.
QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate control systems courses
QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of the Quanser Rotary Flexible Link system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. With QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link, you can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Rotary Flexible Link curriculum, which covers various modelling and control topics.
QLabs Virtual Coupled Tanks
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate process control courses
QLabs Virtual Coupled Tanks is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of a Quanser Coupled Tanks system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. With QLabs Coupled Tanks, you can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online process control course.
QLabs Virtual Coupled Tanks is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Coupled Tanks curriculum, which covers various modelling and control topics.
QLabs Virtual Rotary Servo
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate control systems courses
QLabs Virtual Rotary Servo is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of a classic Rotary Servo Base Unit system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. With QLabs Virtual Rotary Servo, you can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Rotary Servo is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Rotary Servo Base Unit curriculum, which covers modelling, position, and speed control topics.
QLabs Virtual Quanser AERO
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate aerospace and controls courses
QLabs Virtual Quanser AERO is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a Quanser AERO system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. QLabs Virtual Quanser AERO can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and blended aerospace and control systems course.
QLabs Virtual Quanser AERO is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Quanser AERO curriculum which covers concepts including modelling, system identification, attitude and speed control, PID control, gain scheduling, state-feedback control, coupled dynamics, and Kalman filter.
QLabs Virtual QBot 2e
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate and advanced robotics courses
QLabs Virtual QBot 2e is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a classic Quanser QBot 2e system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. QLabs Virtual QBot 2e can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online robotics course.
QLabs Virtual QBot 2e is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical QBot 2e curriculum which covers concepts including differential drive, forward, and inverse kinematics, dead reckoning, odometric localization, path planning, obstacle avoidance, image acquisition, processing, and reasoning, localization and mapping, and vision-guided vehicle control.
QLabs Virtual QArm
Virtual platform for distance and blended undergraduate robotics courses
QLabs Virtual QArm is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a Quanser QArm system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. QLabs Virtual QArm can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online robotics course.
QLabs Virtual QArm is available as a multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical QArm curriculum which covers concepts including joint control, kinematics, path planning, statics, and dynamics.
Modern Manipulator Arm for Robotics Courses and Research
Quanser’s QArm is a 4 DOF serial robotic manipulator with a tendon-based two-stage gripper and an RGBD camera, designed for modern engineering education and academic research applications. Leveraging the intuitive graphical interface of Simulink® or expandability of Python™ and ROS, students get a systematic understanding of the design of robotic systems and concepts, including joint control, kinematics, path planning, statics, and dynamics. QArm comes with comprehensive studio-type course resources to motivate students and provide the basis for interactive challenges. The QArm curriculum is mapped to popular robotics textbooks by Mark Spong and John Craig.
The open architecture design of QArm allows researchers to quickly develop and deploy their applications in machine learning, assistive robotics, collaborative robotics, and more, using both custom and internal control schemes.
QUBE - Servo 3
Low cost teaching platform for controls and mechatronics
The Quanser Qube-Servo 3 is a portable, fully integrated servomotor platform designed specifically for teaching control concepts at the undergraduate level. The system is equipped with a high-quality direct-drive brushed DC motor, two encoders, an internal data acquisition system, and an amplifier. Connect with USB to a Windows PC (macOs and Linux support coming soon).
QBot Platform
High-performance Autonomous Ground Robot for Indoor Labs
The Quanser QBot Platform is an innovative open-architecture autonomous ground robot, built on a differential mobile
platform. This solution is ideal for teaching undergraduate and graduate mobile robotics as it is accompanied by
comprehensive courseware and equipped with built-in sensors such as LiDAR, front-facing RealSense camera, downward-facing camera,
gyroscope, and accelerometer, all powered by an onboard NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano computer.